Introducing new races to the game environment. Humans which have Wizardry barrack troops 20% stronger and 5% harvest more resources. Elves which have Archery barrack troops 20% stronger and Resource buildings 15% cheaper to build and upgrade. Dwarves which have Knight barrack troops 20% stronger, Military buildings, troop levelup, building upgrades 10% cheaper. All troops 5% cheaper to recruit.


Introducing new spell Fire Wave. Which at first levels starts as a single beam strike and in further spell levels upgrades to a powerful long-range wave! Furthermore, most of the spells were revisited in the damage formulas. The most of the spells were nerfed a little bit to accompany the use of new spell.


Fixed a crazy bug that turned wildforge to black screen on teleport. It was caused of possibility to spawn invalid item. Happy to finally solve the issue! :)


Greatly enhance Thurim Deepdelver travelling experience with new user interface! Also, from now on the railways master will charge you some fee for teleporting to islands!


Introducing Lumina Island. The island is designed for level 20+ players which have unlocked at least level 4 war dogs! Within this changes there came lots of quality improvements in summons auto target, player auto target and other mini improvements.


Only in wild lands your hero troops listens at your target commands. Meaning that if you target a specific creature all your troops will target that specific one.


Introducing new game tutorial for newcomers. And introduces many quality of life changes such as building new objects won't exit you through spectating mode, when in spectating mode you can walk over all creatures, few game bug fixes reported in discord and few more.

Only Fortress Online - 1st Game Tutorial

Introducing improvements in the tutorial. Now the first thing the newcomer will have to learn is how to use your spells. Attack the targets, heal your health and restore your mana.


Increasing a minute more respawn time of wildforge creatures. Increase level 1 - 30 raid exp reward. Wildforge creatures now are a little bit more nerfed in damage and health. Also their exp reward increased.


Finally closing the gates of auto-generated fortress map. Introducing new island the Wildforge. Balance changes in spells. Balance changes in various rewards. 101 bug fixes and improvements in overall gameplay for the reason of the very new isle of Wildforge!


Display double reward bonus in battle commander and make action bar bigger to not miss-click.


Implement remaining protection counter on top menu to be eye catching and when raiding with battle commander he teleport you back to near by position.


The game must be oriented at keeping the newcomers! I have noticed that the newcomers who go outside on their early levels quit the game because it seems too difficult for them and too little rewarding. For this reason I have made changes. Instead of 1 wardog you will have 3 wardogs for free until you get your very first hero. Also, greatly improved the reward of outside camps loot so specially for the newcomers it is more profitable to hunt them right now than before.


The Nerf everybody! Nono, just kidding but in a some kind of the way- Yes. The guild raid reward system have been completely changed with a mindset to build the community. How unfair was that when you invite a new player to your guild and making guild raids with the new guy actually making you a loss from your position when you are managing to complete a guild raid solo or only together. The previous system of sharing the reward between all the in-raid players was totally oriented in solo playing rather than building communities. The mega change is that all the guild raids from now on will give a specific constant reward for each of player which participates in a raid without any sharing. That means inviting newbies for established players to guild raid doesn't mean an actual loss in profit you are just happy you are growing the guild and in most cases you all will simply finish the guild raid faster which now even makes benefit to invite a newbie to your team. The Nerf number two. Yes it continues. From now on the double reward bonus for first 25 daily raids applies only when doing the solo Battle Commander raids. The previous system was again unfair from a playing player perspective because you should profit more to not spend your 25 daily raid bonus until you didn't do guild raids. It absolutely doesn't make any sense because then all you do is saving your raid limit to play less and profit more. And I want you to play the game more not the less. For this reason no more double reward on guild raids. Luckily this update is not only about nerfing. The good thing is that all Battle Commander raids reward have been doubled and now gives more profit than before! Lastly, the very new guild raid boss have appeared to the game. The Irni Irni demon. He will be a tough boss to complete and I wish you the best luck.


Implementing spell disability change on per mana requirement. This should help for newcomers to notice that there is a single spell available when you are out of mana which heals your mana. Also, you will always be good informed whether you have enough mana to cast high mana consuming spells!


The new spectating mode in other player fortresses was definitely a huge thing to implement undoubtfully there we have had several bugs yesterday and all the known bug-fixes right now are fixed! You can play guild raids, you won't have a possibility to start siege when spectating and you can't move any players/troops/npcs in other fortress that you are spectating! Happy further bug hunting!!!


This week I have been working hard on reworking the whole building concept and player teleporting functionality! Now when building the objects you will have possibility to move the camera around your fortress to easily find the best location for your object to place. Also, from now on every single player can teleport to other player fortresses for free to spectate their fortress. That means decorating your fortress is a huge prestige and power showoff symbol, every established player will be spectated by newbies to find out the best building patterns or ideas how to attack your fortress the most strategically!


Implementing in-app game client update with google play integration! For seamless and easy android client update!


Introduce several heroic leveling quests and implement next tier unlock as a main quest. As well introducing the new raid boss.


Have you ever seen this image that your android phone is not supported to download the only fortress game? Try to check it out again! Because just recently I have added support for armeabi-v7a (Application Binary Interface) which basically means that 32bit android phones can now run and play the game! The recent support have expanded the device reach to 10k+ new android devices. However the reality is that majority of android devices are modern and are using 64bit and not 32bit nevertheless the more support the better!
